Precision Cosmology with the Baby Picture of Our Universe
Konu : Precision Cosmology with the Baby Picture of Our Universe
Konuşmacı : Anirban ROY
Tarih: 12.03.2018
Saat: 15:00
Yer: İÜ Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Bölümü
ÖZET: Cosmic microwave background (CMB) is roughly isotropic radiation filled in the universe which depicts the baby picture of our Universe. CMB is a very powerful tool to determine the age, content, structure etc. of the Universe. I'll first give a general view of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Temperature and polarization anisotropies and I'll show how different phenomena in the timeline of Universe make its unique signature in the fluctuation of the CMB sky. Afterwards I'll address how cosmologists extract information from it and constrain different cosmological parameters. At the end, I'll talk about the future high accuracy CMB measurements like LiteBIRD, CMB S4, Simons Observatory and others.
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